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Eau Claire Community Foundation

The COLA’s Legacy Endowment is managed by the Eau Claire Community Foundation (ECCF). The endowment was established for the purpose of supporting and promoting COLA’s activities. As the Legacy Endowment grows, the income will support COLA through the various funds that make up the endowment.

Investment Strategy

ECCF carefully stewards the charitable funds entrusted to it. It prudently invests its charitable funds so that they may strengthen the community for current and future generations.

The ECCF manages over $20 million in assets. The ECCF Board of Trustees is responsible for the oversight and management of the ECCF investment portfolio.  The ongoing work is carried out by the Investment Committee.

The objectives of the Investment Committee include:

  • To preserve and enhance earning power by pooling ECCF’s financial assets

  • To produce favorable total returns when compared to Policy benchmarks

  • To maximize value with a prudent level of risk and reasonable distribution

  • To generate a steadily growing stream of income and to maintain and enhance the principal of the assets by aiming for consistent returns through all market cycles